• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: morales1981isaura
  • hace 7 años

¿Which is the common program in several prisons?
Which is one of the objectives of this project?
¿Are some projects the creation of mechanic and electricity?​


Respuesta dada por: D3nnI5CR

Respuesta:¿Which is the common program in several prisons?

It`s called art behind bars

Which is one of the objectives of this project?

One of the objetives is to channel the strong feelings that lead to confinement, violencer or danger

¿Are some projects the creation of mechanic and electricity?​

some projects are the creation of literary works, paintings, confections and sculptures, An example of art created in prison is the film ``Modelo Estero``

Eplicacion: espero que te ayude


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