• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: monikbalo26
  • hace 7 años

b) Rewrite the sentences with the subjects in brackets.
1. Kelly doesn't work on Saturdays. (Joe and Sue)
Joe and Sue
2. They have breakfast on the balcony. (Maria)
3. I don't prefer drinking apple juice. (My aunt)
4. Does Sally read short stories? (Pam and Laura)
5. She doesn't like to live in a city. (They)
6. I go to school by school bus. (The students)​


Respuesta dada por: estrellasdelfuturo79


1 Joe and Sue Don't work on Saturdays

2 Maria has breakfast on the balcony

3 My aunt doesn't prefer drinking apple juice

4 Do Pam and Laura read short stories?

5 They don't like to live in a city

6 The students go to school by school bus


El presente simple con tercera persona del singular debe tener verbo con S o ES

y las oraciones negativas deben estar formadas con Don't o Doesn't antes del verbo en su forma base

monikbalo26: me ayudas con otras por fa
monikbalo26: Do the Browns have a caravan? (Mr. telling)
monikbalo26: we don't speak Japanese or French. (She)
estrellasdelfuturo79: Does Mr Telling have a caravan ?
estrellasdelfuturo79: She doesn't speak Japanese or French
monikbalo26: muchas gracias
Respuesta dada por: gabserlab

Se reescriben las oraciones en presente simple usando los sujetos en los paréntesis:

1. Kelly doesn't work on Saturdays. (Joe and Sue)

   Joe and Sue don’t work on Saturdays.

2. They have breakfast on the balcony. (Maria)

   Maria has breakfast on the balcony.

3. I don't prefer drinking apple juice. (My aunt)

   My aunt doesn't prefer drinking apple juice.

4. Does Sally read short stories? (Pam and Laura)

   Do Pam and Laura read short stories?

5. She doesn't like to live in a city. (They)

   They don’t like to live in a city.

6. I go to school by bus. (The students)

  The students go to school by school bus.

Estructura de las oraciones en presente simple

Para formular oraciones interrogativas y negativas en presente simple se requiere el verbo auxiliar do / does. El uso de cada auxiliar depende del sujeto de la oración, tal como se explica a continuación:

  • Para los sujetos I, you, we, they se usa el “do” + verbo en infinitivo
  • Para los sujetos she, he, it se usa el “does” + verbo en infinitivo


Sujeto + verbo en presente + complemento.


Do / does + sujeto + verbo en infinitivo + complemento?


Sujeto + don’t /doesn’t + verbo en infinitivo + complemento.

Puedes ver más oraciones en presente simple (simple present) aquí: https://brainly.lat/tarea/333536

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