• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: gatosempai14
  • hace 7 años

Present perfect:
Complete the sentences using verbs in brackets. Later, match them to the pictures.
1.-The girl ……….. just ………. a portrait. (paint)
2.-Sonia ……………interesting stories to the children. (read)
3.-Katherine …………….. about her boyfriend. (dream)
4.-The postman ……………. two letters for my mom. (bring)
5.-Tony ……………………… nothing today. (do)
6.-They …………….. for the first time. (meet)
7.-The chef ………….. a new dish for the customers. (try)
8.-The family …………… on holidays to the sea. (go)
9.-Florita …………………. her bed early. (make)
10.-My neighbour ………… his weekend at the sea. (spend)
11.-The teacher ………………… the kids some pictures. (show)
12.-My sister ……………….. a few songs at the disco. (dance)
13.-The old man …………………. TV for three hours. (watch)
14.-Gina…………already ……… her dog for a walk. (take)
15.-My aunt ………………… a lot of exercise at the gym. (do)
16.-The angry girl …………………….. (cry)
17.-Mrs Harrison ……………… Maths for five years. (teach)
18.-The three kids ………….. in the park happily. (play)
19.-Thomas …………… a fish this morning. (catch)


Respuesta dada por: MicaelaCM8


The girl has just painted a portrait.

Sonia has read insteresting stories to the children

Katherine dreamt about her boyfriend

The postman brought two letters for my mom

Tony did nothing today

They have met for the first time

The chef tried a new dish for the customers

The family went on holidyas to the sea

Respuesta dada por: alexaprincez


1. has / painted

2. has read

3. has dreamed

4. has  brougth

5. has done

6. have met

7.has tried

8. have gone

9.has made

10. has spent

11. has shown

12. has danced

13.has watched

14. has taken

Explicación: se usara el present perfect que es HAS / HAVE

y el verbo en participio

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