• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Estrella23pro
  • hace 7 años

Subraya los verbos en ingles de esta historia: I am Patricia. My familia and I movedizas to a small town. I am sad. I miss my old homa but I am also happy beca use My momento lo ves te fresa air of her New house. My sister is no feeling happy. She has to go to a New school. My dad is bored; he sais the town is quiet. However, my family is together. We support each other and respect our feeling. Today is my first day of class. Everything Will be right. Les doy 90 puntos


Respuesta dada por: luzmabarrios7


my uol Homa buot te fresa air ir her new house

Respuesta dada por: Anónimo

I am Patricia. My familia and I movedizas to a small town. I am sad. I miss my old homa but I am also happy beca use My momento loves te fresa air of her New house. My sister is not feeling happy. She has to go to a New school. My dad is bored; he is ais the town is quiet. However, my family is together. We support each other and respect our feeling. Today is my first day of class. Everything Will be right.

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