• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: alex200104
  • hace 7 años

Ayúdenme con esta tarea de ingles por favor



Respuesta dada por: estrellasdelfuturo79


Circle the correct word

1 How many cups of coffee do you drink every day?

2 Wendy spends a lot of money on bags

3 Does your brother eat much rice?

4 How many mangoes do you need?

5 There is a lot of snow outside

Write 4 sentences- many - much - a lot of - some

1 There are many students in the classroom

2 Does your sister eat much spaguetti?

3 You have a lot of books

4 I eat some bread for breakfast


Many - Much - A lot of - Some son expresiones de cantidad ( quantifiers )

Many contables

Much no contables

A lot of contables

Some - Contables

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