• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: antonelaceleste70
  • hace 7 años

QUIEN ME AYUDAA URGENTE ES SOBRE INGLES ESTRUCTURA 1) AFIRMATIVA Sujeto + will + Verbo  I will go 2) NEGATIVA Sujeto + will not (won’t) + Verbo  I will not go 3) INTERROGATIVA Will + Sujeto + Verbo  Will I go? CUANDO USAMOS EL FUTURO SIMPLE? a) PREDICCIONES I think It will rain. (Yo pienso que mañana lloverá) b) PROMESAS I will be there at 7 p.m., I promise. (Estaré ahí a las 7 p.m. lo prometo) c) DECISIONES ESPONTANEAS (la acción se decide realizar en que el momento en el estoy hablando) It’s cold! I will close the window (Hace frio! Cerraré la ventana) EXPRESIONES DE TIEMPO Tomorrow  mañana Next week / Next month / Next year  la próxima semana / el próximo mes / el próximo año ESTAS EXPRESIONES SON USADAS GENERALMENTE AL FINAL DE LA ORACION O AL PRINCIPIO POR EJEMPLO  I will study tomorrow Tomorrow I will study 1- Completer las oraciones con la forma correcta de los verbos (tener en cuenta la ESTRUCTURA AFIRMATIVA) a- I ........................................ (play) tennis tomorrow. b- He ..................................... (pay). I promise c- It’s dark. I ................................. (switch on) the light. d- The weather tomorrow .................................. (be) sunny and warm. e- That suitcase is too heavy. They .................................. (help) you. f- She ........................................ (go) to the sea later today 2- Reescribir las oraciones en forma NEGATIVA POR EJEMPLO  I will visit my friends tomorrow  I will not visit my friends tomorrow a- She will come in the evening.  ....................................................................................... b- We will go to France.  ..................................................................................................... c- He will buy a new car next month.  ................................................................................. d- I will have dinner at a restaurant.  .................................................................................... e- He will help me with the homework.  .............................................................................. f- My sister will go to the sea next week.  ............................................................................


Respuesta dada por: orianasotomayor



a. I will play tennis.

b. he will pay. I promise.

c. It's dark. I will switch on the light.

d. The weather tomorrow will be sunny and warm.

e. That suitcase is too heavy. They will help you.

f. She will go to the sea later today.


a. She won't come in the evening.

b. We won't go to France.

c. He won't buy a new car next month.

d. I won't have dinner at a restaurant.

e. He won't help me with the homework.

f. My sister won't go to the sea next week.

Espero que te haya servido :)

antonelaceleste70: gracias me sirvio
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