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2. He copiado todo el texto "What is COVID-19?"
3. Todo está en inglés.
4. Las imágenes que he puesto son diferentes al texto original.
5. Cada imagen tiene la oración que le corresponde
creo que eso es una grilla de auto evaluacion
se supone que tú veas el trabajo que has hecho y revises si cumple esos requisitos,si quieres que lo resuelva necesito el texto que hiciste :)
What is the coronavirus (COVID-19)?
In late 2019, a new type of coronavirus began to make people sick with flu-like symptoms. The disease is called coronavirus-19 or COVID-19, for short. The virus spreads easily and has now affected people in many countries.
What are the signs and symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19)?
Coronavirus (COVID-19) causes fever, cough, and difficulty breathing. Some people may have the following symptoms:
sore throat
shaking chills
constant shaking with chills
Muscle pain
loss of the way of taste or smell
Infection with this virus can be more serious in some people.
How is coronavirus (COVID-19) spread?
People can spread the coronavirus from others who have the virus. This happens when an infected person sneezes or coughs, spreading small drops of liquid in the air. These drops can reach the nose, mouth or eyes of someone close, or can also be inhaled.
Contagion can also occur when a person touches an infected surface with germs (infected drops) and then touches his or her nose, mouth, or eyes.
este es el texto pero las imagenes no las puedo pegar aqui busca en el internet y luego cópialas
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