Elaborar un diario personal en Inglés, 3 días seguidos. A cada día se le debe colocar la fecha. Debes escribir dos párrafos (cada párrafo debe tener 5 oraciones aproximadamente), mencionando lo que has hecho ese día y como te has sentido. En el segundo día, también escribes dos párrafos, pero no repites las acciones ni sentimientos del primer día. Y el tercer día, igualmente, dos párrafos, sin repetir las acciones ni sentimientos de los 2 días anteriores.
Today is June 13, 20202.
Today, they sent me 6 new practical jobs. It is a stress to be doing homework every day. Then I have to clean and tidy up my room. When I finish I finally have a time for myself, I go to my social networks, and I talk to my friends a lot.
Today is June 14, 2020
Yesterday I finished the practical work, but today they sent me more !!! What despair I don't even finish making one and others already send me.
Lately I have been missing my friends from school a lot, I cannot leave the house, I cannot go to the park, and if I do go out they are for essential things. I am not saying that it is wrong, but I feel very sad with everything that is happening. Why just this year, did a global pandemic have to occur?
Today is June 15, 2020.
Today I woke up a little more excited than yesterday, I'm not so sad anymore. It is not good to think only about negative things so I just get more depressed. Today I decided to start dancing, do a little exercise and distract myself.
I'm done exercising and taking a shower feels good, even if it's something at home I can do.
Well these days writing I felt really good, I was able to express my feelings, although it is a shame today this mini diary is over. AHAHAHA
Well I say goodbye, thanks for keeping me company in these sad days, and happy
Bueno le mande fruta osea invente las cosas, pero esta resulto. Espero que te vaya bien!
1 es la respuesta
Explicación paso a paso:
porque lo digo yo ya utilize mi computadora y la calculadora UwU
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¡Notificar abuso!
solo estaba bromeando jeje
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