Respuesta: Un poco de vocabulario
I feel awful = me siento fatal
have a cold = tener un resfriado
a runny nose = moqueo nasal
a sore throat = dolor de garganta
to cough = toser
fever = fiebre
en ingles
the doctors and doctors are people who risk their lives for us and today they show it they are solidarity people and they show their will towards all Peruvians, we have to be proud of that, there are people like them who give their lives for their homeland do not want money want to just volunteer and serve us
We have great people with a very, very big heart, their family will miss them and they understand each other, because they cannot even give them a big hug and say I love you. It is not the same video call or a photo, the doctors and not only them but military police they are isolated from their family to avoid further contagion
and our will work would also be to support them and say very strong
all united of this we left !!
espero te haya servido ponme como la mejor si me merezco por esta respuesta