• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: evaisabelve
  • hace 7 años

Hola. Necesito de su ayuda. Necesito hacer oraciones en presente simple sobre estos animales: Conejo, Caballo, Tigre, Mono, Delfín, Perro, Mariposa, Cebra, Elefante y Vaca.

canva12: El conejo come zanahorias
canva12: El caballo salta la valla
canva12: El tigre caza a un búfalo
canva12: El mono se cuelga de lianas
canva12: El delfín salta y hace piruetas en el agua
canva12: El perro es el mejor amigo del hombre
canva12: La mariposa revolotea feliz entre las flores
canva12: La cebra tiene muchas rayas
canva12: El elefante juega con su hijo
canva12: La vaca come el verde pasto


Respuesta dada por: mariluhuszczk


Conejo:The rabbit is very cute

Caballo:This horse is very bad

Tigre:The tiger is very wild

Mono, delfin:The monkey and the dolphin are good friends

Perro, mariposa:The dog chases the cute butterfly

Cebra, elefante:The zebra and the elephant fan in the same place

Vaca:My dad has many cows in the field

Respuesta dada por: yyarenehernandez92


The rabbit is an animal that likes to eat carrots

A horse is able to eat 10 pounds of food every day.

The tiger is a really interesting animal, they hunt smaller preys

The is a movie about a monkey that understand human language

Dolphins are really friendly animals that lives on the water

I like dogs because they are cute and they play a lot

Butterflies fly around the camps

Zebras like to stay on the same place while eating

Cows looks dangerous, but they are not that much of a danger

Elephants are animals that never forget something that scared them


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