• Asignatura: Inglés
  • hace 7 años

2. Read this conversation and then report what Claudia and Nicole said.

Nicole: How long have you been in France?
Claudia: Six months
Nicole: Are you enjoying your stay?
Claudia: Yes, I’m enjoying it a lot.
Nicole: Have you been here before?
Claudia: Yes, I’ve been to France many times.
Nicole: What are you doing here?
Claudia: I’m on holiday
Nicole: Are you stayingin a hotel?
Claudia: No, I’m staying with somefriends.
Nicole: Where do they live?
Claudia: They have a flat in the city centre.
Nicole: How long are you staying?
Claudia: I’m leaving in March
Nicole: Can you speak French very well?
Claudia: No, I cant’t. I’m going to have some lessons.
Nicole: I’ll teach you.

0.Claudia said ___________________________ in France for six weeks.

1.Claudia said ___________________________ her stay a lot.

2.Claudia said ___________________________ to France many times.

3.Claudia said ___________________________ on holiday.

4.She said ___________________________ with some friends.

5.She said ___________________________ a flat in the city centre.

6.She said ___________________________ in March.

7.She said ___________________________ French very well.

8.She said ___________________________ some lessons.

9.Nicole said ___________________________ Claudia.

Doriana00: Hola. una pregunta, tenes que poner que dijo claudia, pero en la primera frase que hay que completar dice como claudia lleva seis SEMANAS en francia, cuando en realidad en la conversacion dice que lleva seis mese en francia. La pregunta es tenes que completar solo?. Por que si no tenes que negar la afirmacion que esta diciendo claudia y correjir el" WEEKS" (semanas) por "MONTHS"(meses)


Respuesta dada por: Doriana00


0. Claudia said that she has been in France for six weeks.

1.Claudia said that she is enjoying her stay very much.

2. Claudia said that she has been to France many times.

3. Claudia said she is on vacation.

4. He said to stay with some friends.

5. He said they have a flat in the city center.

6. He said he is leaving in March.

7. He said he can't speak French very well.

8. She said she is going to have some lessons.


Como dije en la primera respuesta dice "Weeks" que significa "semanas", pero en la conversación dice que claudia a estado en francia seis meses. Por lo que creo que o te equivocaste al escribir. O tenes que correjir esa afirmacion y cambiar el "WEEKS", POR "MONTHS"

Saludos espero que te haya ayudado!!.

Doriana00: Por favor apoyenme dandome votos!! . SALUDOS
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