• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: mm99
  • hace 7 años

Help with this
Complete with the correct form of can, could, or be able to
1) If you buy a car, you drive to work next year.
2) I talk until I was three years old.
3) I’ve been looking for a flat for ages but I haven’t find what I want.
4) He is very fit for his age. He (run) really fast.
5) I’d like (work) with you one day.
6) I (spend) all morning in bed, but I feel like working.
7) I think you should go in the spring. It (be) very crowded there in
the summer (it usually is crowded).
8) ……………………………….. (speak) another language fluently is a great advantage when you’re looking for a job.
9) I’m sure he (manage) perfectly well on his own if he had to.


Respuesta dada por: msyazmine3


1 you could

2 i couldn’t talk

3 I havent been able to find

4 must run

5 to be able to work

6 I could spend

7 can be very crowded

8 to be able to speak


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