• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Diana27031
  • hace 7 años

Oraciones con indirect speech de un futbolista


Respuesta dada por: jhunior3355




Organizar las oraciones en su forma correcta a) Jim/ not/ play tennis/ after school. b) Mary/ not/ meet/ her friends/ at a cafe. ...

Organizar las oraciones en su forma correcta a) Jim/ not/ play tennis/ after school. ...

Todas, Pedro is in the office, but yesterday he was in Paris. ...

Respuesta dada por: Yunmy345Buterfli

Now’ -cambia a- ‘Then’/ ‘At that moment’ ‘Today’ -cambia a- ‘That day’ ‘Tonight’ -cambia a- ‘That night’ ‘Yesterday’ -cambia a- ‘The day before’/ ‘The previous day’ ‘Tomorrow’ -cambia a- ‘The next day’/ ‘The following day’ ‘Last week’ -cambia a- ‘The week before’ ‘Ago’ -cambia a- ‘Before’/ ‘Previously’ ‘Here’ -cambia a- ‘There’


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