• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: fildiciminifer
  • hace 7 años

las preuntas son estas: What is true?
a. Her name is Rosy
b. Rosy lived in the country
.c. Rosy didn´t saw a little girl.

What is not true about the little girl. Mark all that apply
a. She had short blond hair
b. She was ugly and she was happy.
c. She stood up and ran away.

What is the lesson of the story? Mark only one.
a. Always listen to your parents.
b. Never pay attention to your adult people.
c. The parents never know what the best for you.
el texto es este : Hi, I'm rosy. I lived in the country when I was a child. It was an excellent

time of my life. I remember that one day I went to the river because

It was my favorite place to shower or cool off. As i was

walking, I saw a little girl, she was very beautiful with her long black

hair I was crying. He immediately ran to her, and when she was

Dispenser, followed and run away. I ran faster to get closer to her.

When I finally got there, she turned around and I could see that her face was full.

with scars I screamed like crazy and went back to my house. I said to

story for my mother and she told me what happened to girls like me

who did not listen to their mothers. My mom always said no

Going to the river alone, but I never paid attention to him. It was my favorite

place and I had a lot of fun there. However, I learned the lesson.

So guys, always listen to your mother. I really don't know how, but

They always know what is best for us.
ojo no quiero traduccion ... 20 puntos al que resuelva las preguntas


Respuesta dada por: carballoleyvin21


té seré sincero pero yo no entiendo nada..

ni se que grado estás cursando

carballoleyvin21: en Guadalupe San Vicente
carballoleyvin21: y tú dónde vives?
carballoleyvin21: y tú dónde vives?
carballoleyvin21: que grado estás cursando
fildiciminifer: yo estoy cursando 8vo año y tu
carballoleyvin21: 7° grado
fildiciminifer: esta bien :)
carballoleyvin21: donde vives tú
fildiciminifer: en quito - ECUADOR
carballoleyvin21: que bueno
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