hola, necesito un guion en ingles para exponer al país de Italia en donde se diga en que ubicación esta, aspectos culturales, climas, comida típica y fiestas de esa nación.
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Italy, officially the Italian Republic (in Italian, Repubblica Italiana), is a member country of the European Union, whose form of government is the parliamentary republic. Its territory, with capital in Rome, is divided into twenty regions, these, in turn, made up of 106 provinces.
Italy is located in the center of the Mediterranean Sea, in southern Europe. It occupies the Italica peninsula, as well as the Padana plain, the islands of Sicily and Sardinia, and around eight hundred smaller islands including the Tremiti islands in the Adriatic Sea, the Campano and Toscano archipelagos in the Tyrrhenian Sea, or the Pelagias islands in northern Africa, among others. In the north, it is surrounded by the Alps and borders France, Switzerland, Austria, and Slovenia. The States of San Marino and Vatican City are enclaves within the Italian territory. In turn, Campione d'Italia is an Italian municipality that forms a small enclave on Swiss territory.
It has been home to many European cultures such as the Nuragic civilization, the Etruscans, the Greeks, the Romans, and was also the cradle of humanism and rebirth, which began in the Tuscany region and soon spread throughout Europe. The capital of Italy, Rome, has for centuries been the political and cultural center of western civilization. In addition, it is the holy city for the Catholic Church, the Pope being the Bishop of Rome and the Vatican's micro-state being within the city. The cultural significance of the country is reflected in all its World Heritage Sites, since it is 55, the country with the largest number in the world.6