• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: basante21
  • hace 9 años

Ejemplos de biografías en ingles en pasado simple.


Respuesta dada por: mary24457181ozqyux
Gabriel García Marquez was writer, screenwriter, journalist and editor colombian. In 1982 he get the Nobel Prize for Literature. He is afectly known by Gabo or Gabito. He was born on March 6th 1927; and died April 17 2014 being 87 years old, by a heartattack in Mexico City.

Write stories like: One Houndred Years of Solitude, The Autumn of the Patriarch, Love in time of Cholera, and more else.

Respuesta dada por: OValent

Biografías en pasado simple en inglés.

Ejemplos: Julio Cortázar.

(Brussels, 1914 - Paris, 1984) Argentine writer, Cortázar was one of the great figures of the so-called «boom» of Latin American literature; he was the phenomenon who, in the 1960s, gave deserved international projection to the narrators of the continent.

Related to Borges as a clever cultivator of the fantastic short story, Cortázar's short stories nevertheless departed from the metaphysical allegory to investigate the disturbing and enigmatic facets of the everyday. In a searching for authenticity and the deep sense of reality that he found always far from the straitjacket of established beliefs, patterns and routines. His renewing zeal is manifested above all in the style and subversion of the genres, that is verified in many of his books; among which the novel Rayuela (1963), with its two possible reading orders, stands out as his masterpiece.

  • Sigue aprendiendo en: https://brainly.lat/tarea/10263646

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