• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: susan1229
  • hace 7 años

un dialogo entre 2 personas usando superlativos respecto a computadoras


Respuesta dada por: holayt545


Carlos: Hey! How are you doing man?

Santigo: I'm doing pretty well, thanks for asking. What about you? I heard you got a new car and it's even faster than the one you had before.

Carlos: Yeah, it's not only faster than the one I had before, but also it's the fastest car I've ever had. It's the best.

Santigo: Wow! That's amazing! I remmember last time I got in your car I felt dizzy Haha

Carlos: Haha What a good trip. I hope we can repeat it 

Santigo: It would be nice, we'll do it for sure 

Carlos: Yes, we'll do. 

Santiago: I must leave. Call you later 

Carlos: Later, bye bye 


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