Palabras que tengan vocales cerradas mas cerradas


Respuesta dada por: SRGansoSeguidoDLAGSA


1.Put the verb into the correect form.

•If you took more exercise, you ______________better. (feel)

•If I was offered the job, I think I ______________ it. (take)

•A lot of people would be out of work if the factory__________( close down )

•What would happen if I _____________ that red button? (press)

•Liza gave me this ring. She ___________very upset if I lost it. (be)

2. You ask friend questions. Use What would you do if……?

•( Maybe one day your friend will win a lot of money.)

•( Your friend's car has never been stolen but perhaps one day it will be.)


•( Perhaps one day your friend will lose his/her passport.)


•(There has never been a fire in the building.)


3. Use your own ideas to complete these sentences.

•If You studies a lot, __________________________________

•I'd feel very angry if __________________________________

•If I didn'to go to work tomorrow, ________________________

•Would you go to the party if ___________________________

•If you bought some new clothes, _______________________

•Would you mind if ___________________________________

4. Rewrite these sentences using the second conditional.

•I'm not rich. I don't live in a big house


•He works in the evening. He has no time to play with his children.


•She buys a lot of clothes. She has no money.


•I haven't got a car. I can't give you a lift.


•I go to bed late. In the morning I'm tired,


•She hasn't got a watch. She is always late.


5. Write a short paragraph ( 100 words ) about your dreams.












Respuesta dada por: glocampo2007



Dos vocales que forman parte de una misma sílaba:  

a)    vocal abierta (/a/, /e/, /o/) seguida o precedida de vocal cerrada y átona (/i/, /u/);

b)    dos vocales cerradas distintas (/i/, /u/)

diario, siento, pie, cohibir, antiguo, doy, viuda, diurno, ruido, muy


Tres vocales que forman parte de la misma sílaba: vocal abierta (/a/, /e/, /o/) seguida y precedida de una vocal cerrada átona (/i/, /u/)

buey, dioico, confiáis, guau, apreciéis


Dos vocales que forman parte de sílabas sucesivas distinta:  

a)    vocal cerrada tónica (/i/, /u/) seguida o precedida de vocal abierta (/a/, /e/, /o/);

b)    dos vocales iguales

María, púa, búho, cría, caer, aorta, roedor, dehesa, chiita

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