• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: brunoequevedo
  • hace 7 años

alguien que sepa ingles y me resuelva esto:

1.- If I _____________ your book, I ___________ it to you. (find, give).
2.- If she _____________to the party, we ____________ with her. (go, go)
3.- If he ______________ any problem, he ____________you. (have, call)
4.- You ___________ a great time, if you __________ with us. (not have, not come)
5.- My sister ___________ sick, if she ___________________ healthy food. (get, not eat)
6.- Quarantine _____________ longer, if we_____________ advices. (be, not follow)
7.- My mom _________ the phone, if it ________________ (Answer, ring)
8.- We _________ a good grade, if we ___________ all the activities.(get, complete)
9.- If you __________ others, you ____________ friends. (not respect, not have)
10.- If it _________________, we ________________ to the beach. (rain, not go)

DANIPRO77: con que palabras se puede rellenar los espacios?
brunoequevedo: se escribe con las palabras en parentesis
josefaiturriaga: que conditional es?
brunoequevedo: no venia con conditional venia asi como lo mostre


Respuesta dada por: Cataclona

Alguien que sepa ingles y me resuelva esto:

1.- If I __FIND___________ your book, I ____GIVE_______ it to you. (find, give).

2.- If she ___GO__________to the party, we ____GO________ with her. (go, go)

3.- If he __HAVE____________ any problem, he ___CALL_________you. (have, call)

4.- You ___NOT HAVE_______ a great time, if you __NOT COME________ with us. (not have, not come)

5.- My sister _____GET______ sick, if she ____NOT EAT_______________ healthy food. (get, not eat)

6.- Quarantine ______BE_______ longer, if we____NOT FOLLOW_________ advices. (be, not follow)

7.- My mom __ANSWER_______ the phone, if it _____RINGS___________ (Answer, ring)

8.- We ____GET_____ a good grade, if we _____COMPLETW______ all the activities.(get, complete)

9.- If you NOT RESPECT___ others, you ____NOT HAVE________ friends. (not respect, not have)

10.- If it ________RAIN_________, we _____NOT GO___________ to the beach. (rain, not go)

Respuesta dada por: josefaiturriaga


If i find your book. I will give it to you

If she goes to the party, we will go with her.

If he had any problem, he would call you.

You won´t have a great time, if you don´t come with us.

My sister is going to get sick, if she doesn´t eat healthy food.

Quarantine is going to be longer if we don´t follow advices.

My mom should answer the phone, if it rings.

We will get a good grade, if we complete all the activities.

If you don´t respect others, you won´t have friends.

If it rains, we won´t go to the beach.


brunoequevedo: gracias
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