• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: yazcarmona16
  • hace 7 años

25 oraciones es presente perfecto en inglés ​

diverperez604: No me da para escribir la respuesta te la escribo aqui
yazcarmona16: ok
diverperez604: hay te va
yazcarmona16: si


Respuesta dada por: malu962129


Ejemplos de oraciones en Present Perfect

We have lived in this house for over twenty years.

She has never been to Florida.

I’m bored; I have seen this film a thousand times.

You have given up hope.

I’ve lost my keys.

We have spoken about this issue in numerous occasions.

The project has cost them oven five thousand dollars.

Have you ever been to Poland?

We’ve become friends over the year.

I’ve learned this recipe by heart.

We have been here before.  

I haven’t learned a single thing in this class.

He has developed a fine taste in wine.

The boss has already been informed.

I have worked for the company before.

Hung up, you’ve been on the phone for two hours.

He has helped you before.

You still haven’t seen the worst part.

Have you seen my dog?

Scientist have discovered a new cure for the disease.

I’ve played that game before, I don’t like it.

I haven’t found the time to do it yet.

We can get in their system, John has broken the code.

He has become a very successful doctor.

what have you done?


Respuesta dada por: diverperez604


He has become a very successful doctor. (Él se ha convertido en un médico exitoso.)

She has been cooking all morning. (Ha estado cocinando toda la mañana.)

Have you checked this data before printing? (¿Has confirmado estos datos antes de imprimirlo?)

They have been off and on the relationship for months. (Han estado entrando y saliendo de la relación durante meses.)

I have seen what he can do. (He visto lo que puede hacer.)

We have already done those exercises. (Ya hemos hecho esos ejercicios.)

Have you finished your homework? (¿Has terminado tu tarea?)

I have taught this game to all of my friends. (He enseñado este juego a todos mis amigos.)

Have you enjoyed your stay so far? (¿Han disfrutado de su estadía hasta el momento?)

I have already forgotten what we came here for. (Ya me he olvidado de por qué vinimos aquí.)

He has come from New Zealand. (Ha venido de Nueva Zelanda.)

They have improved the service. (Han mejorado el servicio.)

They have changed their mind. (Han cambiado de opinión.)

Have you ever tried that restaurant? (¿Alguna vez probaste ese restaurante?)

It has rained a lot this week. (Ha llovido mucho esta semana.)

I haven’t seen her this morning. (No la he visto esta mañana.)

We have finished dessert and we are ready to go. (Hemos terminado el postre y estamos listos para irnos.)

Be careful, you have done a lot of exercise and you haven’t had enough water. (Ten cuidado, has hecho mucho ejercicio y no has tomado suficiente agua.)

Don’t worry, I’ve taken care of it. (No te preocupes, me he encargado de ello.)

I don’t know if it will fit, I haven’t used that dress in ages. (No sé si va a quedarme bien, no he usado ese vestido desde hace siglos.)

With this noise, I haven’t heard a word he said. (Con este ruido no he escuchado ni una palabra de lo que dijo.)

Espero que te sirva mi respuestas

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