Your sister does not need a third father.
I have lied and kept silent for my sisters on more than 10 occasions. My older sister never had to do that for me because I never opened up to her.
When I needed him to shut up the most when he caught me, he scoffed at me without first telling me how he felt. I felt like we were 5 years old again and stole extra ice cream from the tub before dinner. I couldn't help but feel betrayed and upset; He neither wanted nor needed a third father. I wanted someone to trust to let me be a child.
Sisters are not meant to be snitches, especially if you are close and want a close relationship. Sometimes you have to let them rebel, that's how they come together. It is normal for teenagers to rebel.
The fact that she has even told you her true intentions instead of sneaking away shows that she has a certain level of trust for you, if you tease her, you would probably strain the relationship for a while.
Not to mention that if you tease her by running away with her friends, she won't tell you the next few times she does. She will only get cunning.
What you can do
At most, when you cover her in future situations, you can encourage her to tell the truth to your parents.
Talk to her about her behavior if it really gives you a bad feeling. Ask him why he is doing it (if it is especially destructive or unhealthy). Maybe he even encourages her to tell the truth to her parents, but don't push too hard, her actions are out of her control anyway, and pushing would be unpleasant.
My sister once told me she was still taking cutlery from random places. I told him that, while it may seem exciting, it is probably not the healthiest and that you should probably stop it so that it does not become a habit.
Say something like, "Hey, I'm a little worried when I hear you run away to drink with your friends. I don't want you to get hurt, I heard about all those distracted car accidents and I'm worried that it will happen to you."
Snitching on sisters is the best way to make sure they don't open up to you. Let's just let ourselves be children