• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: milkadonoso12
  • hace 7 años

completa con los siguientes verbos (se pueden repetir los verbos)
Be - Do - Play - Sleep-Sound - Know - Seem - Listen - Feel

1)Matt: Hey Finn, how ______you

2)Finn: i______great! Thank you.

3)Matt:Yes! He_____ friendly_____
you his friend?

4)Finn: Yes! We______the same sport and_____to the same music

5)Matt: Awesome! Hey, your voice _____ a bit tired

6)Finn: Yeah, I am a bit tired. I ______ like I don't _____enough
at night

7)Matt: Well, sleeping_____very important, Matt.

8)Finn: Yeah, I think you're right. I will start sleeping better!

9)Matt: Okay, buddy. Goodbye!
8 y 9 no se completan es para terminar el texto ​


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