• Asignatura: Arte
  • Autor: Marilin123456
  • hace 7 años

HOW does the use of value express your emotions in visual art?


Respuesta dada por: henryangamarca02


Art can be expressed in different ways (music, dance, drawing, painting, sculpture, literature) and implies in any of these variants to take into account the notion of creativity. Creativity stimulates the ability to transform, which is expressed in the creative process, through being able to generate something new for the person.

The use of art, in its different manifestations, occupies an important place in the therapeutic strategy in the Area of Psychiatry and Mental Health of the Instituto de Neurociencias Buenos Aires (Ineba). It is a tool that facilitates the expression and communication of internal aspects of people with mental disorders, appealing to non-verbal forms of communication.

Non-verbal communication predominates from birth in the baby, who expresses himself through his emotions. Smiling or crying serves as a means of expressing what he feels. In the course of his life, the man expresses himself through the word and the body, from the psychological and the endocrinological. That is why art can serve as a valid therapeutic tool not only for those pathologies where the word does not reach, but also as a space for non-verbal emotional expression.


Respuesta dada por: liverp


como expresa el uso del valor de sus emociones en el arte visual


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