• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: zainabnihan
  • hace 7 años

1. Escribe la forma negativa de las siguientes frases en inglés

1. He is a tall boy.

2. You are tired.

3. They have got a nice house.

4. Why are they in bed now?

5. We have got a black dog.

6. I was late for school this morning

7. You were ill yesterday

8. There is a good film on TV at the moment.

9. There are very few people in the street today.

10. We speak German.

11. I understand you

12. He runs to school every day.

13. She makes her bed every morning.​


Respuesta dada por: chack782


1. He isn't a tall boy(is + not)

2. You aren't tired (are+not)

3. They haven't got a nice house (have+not)

4. Why aren't they in bed now?

5. We haven't got a black dog

6. I wasn't late for school this morning (was+not)

7. You weren't ill yesterday (were+not)

8. There isn't....

9. There aren't....

10 . We don't speak German (do + not)

11. I don't understand you

12. He doesn't runs to school

....(does[para el/ella/eso + not)

13. She doesn't....

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