• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Ajilimojili
  • hace 7 años

Copy and complete the sentences with the correct
form of the verbs below. Use the First Conditional
give up. not treat . not reach.go.miss • share
1. If Susan finishes her homework, she to the
cinema with her friends.
2. People won't like you if you them nicely.
3. Unless Joe his things with others, they won't
let him use theirs.
4. We will have a huge problem if we
compromise soon.
5. If you move far away, I you.
6. You won't succeed if you so quickly


Respuesta dada por: Macarenagarcia


1.  will go

2. don´t treat


4. don´t reach

5. will miss

6. give up


Como ya sabemos, the first conditional structure is:

If + Subject + Present Simple, Subject + will/won´t + Verb infinitive

If       you           study hard     ,    you            will          get high marks.

USE: to talk about possibilities in the present or in the future

USO: para hablar sobre posibilidades en el presente o futuras.

1. If Susan finishes her homework, she will go with her friends to the cinema. (go)

Si Susan termina sus deberes, ella irá con sus amigos al cine.

2. People won't like you if you don´t treat them nicely. (not treat)

No le gustarás a la gente si no les tratas bien.

3. Unless Joe shares his things with others, they won't  let him use theirs.

A no ser que Joe comparta sus cosas con los demás, ellos no le prestarán las suyas.

4. We will have a huge problem if we  don´t reach compromise soon.

Tendremos un gran problema si no llegamos a un acuerdo pronto.

5. If you move far away, I will miss you. (miss)

Si te mudas lejos te echaré de menos.

6. You won't succeed if you give up so quickly. (give up)

No tendrás éxito si te rindes tan rápido.

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