Cómo podemos prepararnos para ejercer el voto de los adolescentes?


Respuesta dada por: carlos18846184



El no se jjjjjyhjjjj

Respuesta dada por: pro4510


The electoral authorities describe the next election as the largest that has been lived in Mexico, since about 3,400 charges are in dispute. On Jul 1, 2018 all Mexicans will vote to elect the next President, who will be during the 2018-2024 period, as well as deputies, senators, and some state governors.

For all this, it seems appropriate to raise awareness within the classrooms on the duty of the citizen to fully exercise, with all the necessary guarantees and transparency, their right to choose the people with the most trust and credibility. they deserve to conduct the affairs of state in the coming years.

It is important that young people understand and, above all, be convinced that the elections strengthen the democratic system of our country and face, with responsibility and civic awareness, the bombing in the media to which they are exposed. Next, I would like to share with you three strategies to promote responsible voting among young people, who are the majority of the electoral force in our country.

1. Permanent debates: one of the most effective ways to learn, internalize and convince yourself of something is by debating. That is to say, discussing, analyzing, generating controversies or polemicizing around proposals, with the aim of threshing better (better separating the grain from the chaff).

Young people must learn to debate ideas and proposals in order to advance towards social coexistence. Knowing how to debate should be a cross-cutting issue of constant and permanent concern. Let us enable classrooms to become vital forums for citizen training.


i hop and it serves you

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