• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: cocosette2006
  • hace 7 años

Puerta: alta, gruesa y ancha, con mirilla, la cerradura electrónica con tarjeta o huella

Sala. Grande, piso de cerámica blanca, televisor grande pantalla plana, mesita de estar blanco sucio, muebles blancos con cojines negros y blancos, retratos en las paredes, unas rosas en un jarrón sobre la mesita, unos cubos de luz bajo el televiso, paredes transparentes con cortinas oscuras o negras, chimenea eléctrica y calentador de piso, también un aire acondicionado negro para el verano…………………………………...

Cocina: grandísima, hornillas de gas y otra electrónica, una gran cantidad de gavetas y algunos gabetines vidrio, nevera grande, ventanillas tranparentes para que entre la luz solar, algunas flores, una mesita en la cocina donde ira el lavaplatos

Baños: cerámicas blancas sucias, espejo gigante, ducha con puertas transparentes, wáter, blanca y piso blanco, lavabo blanco, luces, regadera grande con varios estilos y plateada, ambientador automático, y unas rosa y en el espejo un aro de luz

Cuarto: piso de madera, cama blanca o negra, mesita de noche, televisor, unas luces, algún árbol enano, una pared tranparente con buena vista con cortina blanca o negra, en ella abra una elevación como un mueble para relajase o leer un libro, en una pared con fotos y recuerdos unidos por luces, chimenea eléctrica y aire acondicionado, unas cuantas bocinas en una esquina de la habitación

Guardarropa: este quedara en la habitación separada pon una puerta, con n montón de cubículos con luces, espejos, mueble candelabro, paredes colores pastel…
Comedor: blanco y negro, simple, cerca de la sala de estar, algunos retratos, y una alfombra, pared transparente con vista al jardín

Sala de juegos: diseño rustico, sala de poll, una mesa con algunas sillas, cine, varias luces en el techo, algunos cuadros, u mini bar, bocinas, chimenea y aire acondicionado, una estantería con diferentes pelotas de diferentes deportes

Parte trasera: piscina, escaleras, bocinas acuáticas, mini campo de futbol y basquetbol, luces, parrilla, mini bar, mesas, sillas, muebles, bocinas y paredes contra sonido

Parte de en frente: garaje, blanco y negro, luces, pocas plantas

Cuarto de invitados: colores pastel, literas de 4, televisor, vestidor, ventanas, piso cubierto con una alfombra blanca

Oficina: algunas plantas, luz solar, colores claros mesa blanca y siila negra, paisaje hermoso bastante pacífica donde surjan fácilmente ideas…


Respuesta dada por: sheylamg2108

Respuesta:The House of my dreams

Door: high, thick and wide, with peephole, electronic lock with card or fingerprint

Room. Large, white ceramic floor, large flat screen TV, dirty white living room table, white furniture with black and white cushions, portraits on the walls, some roses in a vase on the table, some light cubes under the TV, transparent walls with black or black curtains, electric fireplace and floor heater, also a black air conditioner for the summer ………………………………… ...

Kitchen: very large, gas burners and other electronics, a large number of drawers and some glass cabinets, large fridge, transparent windows for sunlight, some flowers, a table in the kitchen where the dishwasher will go

Bathrooms: dirty white ceramics, giant mirror, shower with transparent doors, toilet, white and white floor, white sink, lights, large shower with various styles and silver, automatic air freshener, and some pink and in the mirror a ring of light

Fourth: wooden floor, white or black bed, nightstand, television, some lights, some dwarf tree, a transparent wall with a good view with a black or white curtain, in it open an elevation like a piece of furniture to relax or read a book , on a wall with photos and memories linked by lights, electric fireplace and air conditioning, a few speakers in one corner of the room

Wardrobe: this will be in the separate room with a door, with a lot of cubicles with lights, mirrors, chandelier, pastel walls ...

Dining room: black and white, simple, near the living room, some portraits, and a carpet, transparent wall with garden view

Games room: rustic design, poll room, a table with some chairs, cinema, several ceiling lights, some paintings, a mini bar, speakers, fireplace and air conditioning, a shelf with different balls for different sports

Rear: pool, stairs, water speakers, mini soccer and basketball court, lights, grill, mini bar, tables, chairs, furniture, speakers and soundproof walls

Front part: garage, black and white, lights, few plants

Guest room: pastel colors, 4 bunk beds, TV, dressing room, windows, floor covered with a white carpet

Office: some plants, sunlight, light colors white table and black silage, beautiful landscape quite peaceful where ideas easily arise ...

Explicación: como ya esta en español la traduci en ingles

Respuesta dada por: alotobta


Pero es la casa de las barbies.

En fin ya hice la traducción

The house of my dreams

Door: tall, thick and wide, with peephole, electronic lock with card or footprint

Room: Large, white ceramic floor, large flat screen TV, dirty white seating table, white furniture with black and white cushions, portraits on the walls, roses in a vase on the table, a few cubes of light under the tv, transparent walls with dark or black curtains, electric fireplace and floor heater, also a black air conditioning for the summer................................................

Kitchen: great, gas stoves and other electronics, a lot of drawers and some cabinets glass, large fridge, transparent windows for sunlight, some flowers, a coffee table in the kitchen where the dishwasher will go

Bathrooms: dirty white ceramics, giant mirror, shower with transparent doors, toilet, white and white floor, white sink, lights, large shower with various styles and silver, automatic air freshener, and a pink and in the mirror a ring of light

Fourth: wooden floor, white or black bed, bedside table, TV, some lights, some dwarf tree, a transparent wall with good view with white or black curtain, in it open an elevation as a piece of furniture to relax or read a book, on a wall with photos and memories joined by lights, electric fireplace and air conditioning, a few speakers in a corner of the room

Wardrobe: this will be in the separate room put a door, with lots of cubicles with lights, mirrors, chandelier furniture, pastel color walls...

Dining room: black and white, simple, near the living room, some portraits, and a carpet, transparent wall overlooking the garden

Game room: rustic design, chicken room, a table with some chairs, cinema, several lights on the ceiling, some paintings, a mini bar, speakers, fireplace and air conditioning, a bookshelf with different balls of different sports

Back: swimming pool, stairs, water horns, mini football and basketball field, lights, grill, mini bar, tables, chairs, furniture, speakers and walls against sound

Front part: garage, black and white, lights, few floors

Guest room: pastel colors, bunk beds of 4, TV, dressing room, windows, covered floor with a white carpet

Office: some plants, sunlight, light colors white table and black sila, beautiful landscape quite peaceful where ideas arise easily...

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