• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: l9bjerbzi15k2cmjntk
  • hace 7 años

Revision 2
Write the correct option in your notebook.
1 Tim plays in a band, (does/ doesn't) he?
2 Sam admitted that he (had / has forgotten) Kirsty's book.
3 When you are studying for your exams,
(resting / to rest) every hour.
4 Who (did switch/ switched) all the computers turned off?
5 If you would like some study tips, ('ll / d) talk to me
friend Valerie.
6 Andy could if (I could / could I) open the window.
7 My sister works in Birmingham (which /, which) is
the second largest city in Britain.
8 DJ Chicha organizes a party in Sant Lluís (this /
other) evening
9 What kind of job are you looking (in/for)?
10 If she (didn't / hadn't) will become a model, Lyndsey
they had been a computer programmer.


Respuesta dada por: jessarhian58


1. doesn't

2. had

3. resting

4. switched

5. could (no sé si lo pone pero lo intento)

6. could I

7. , which

8. this

9. for

10. didn't

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