• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: carlosmartincaowi6fw
  • hace 8 años

dialogos en ingles con el tiempo progresivo actual que se refieran al cuidado del planeta


Respuesta dada por: Anónimo


TOM: Hi I’m Tom and I’m sitting on Bogatell beach[1] with Mark again, hello Mark!

MARK: Hello Tom!

TOM: What are we gonna[2] talk about today?

MARK: Environmentalism or, A.K.A.[3], The Green Movement[4]…

TOM: Exactly! Now environmentalism is “a broad[5] philosophy and social movement regarding concerns for environmental conservation, and improvement of the state of[6] the environment in order to protect it from damage by human activities”. And what’s someone who speaks out[7] about environmental issues called?

MARK: An activist…

TOM: Or an Environmentalist[8]. Interestingly, ‘mentalist’ has a slang[9] connotation; what’s a ‘mentalist’?

MARK: [Mark laughs] Someone who’s insane[10] or crazy[11]…

TOM: Exactly, but they’re not insane or crazy, but uh…anyway, let’s move on. Can we talk about the history of environmental awareness[12]? When did it begin, when did people first become concerned about environmental issues?

MARK: It’s actually been going on in various forms for thousands of years, but the first recognised environmental movement came from Arabic medical texts around the 8th to 13th century in what was known as the ‘Arab Agricultural Revolution[13]‘…


carlosmartincaowi6fw: no hay otro mas corto? xd
Anónimo: nope ese yo hice:)
carlosmartincaowi6fw: weno :(
Anónimo: :(
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