• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Katag
  • hace 7 años

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The Aztecs made a special drink from cacao beans. They mixed cacao with vanilla, black pepper and honey. Then they
poured the drink from height so it 1______ foam. The drink wasn´t very sweet, and the Aztecs called it Cacahuatl or “bitter
water”. Only the king and nobles drank Cacahuatl. Some people say that the Aztec king Moctezuma II drank 50 cups of
Cacahuatl a day. When Hernan Cortes came to Mexico with 2______ collaborators, Moctezuma 3______ him a Golden
cup full of this precious drink. Hernan Cortes took three chests of cacao beans back to Spain with him in 1528. At first,
nobody liked the strange drink. Someone added hot water and sugar to the cacao beans and, 4_______ this drink become
popular? Of course, this drink 5_______ popular. The Spaniards tried 6________ the recipe secret, but slowly it spread
across Europe. By the 1700s, there 7_______ chocolate shops in many European cities. Chocolate was very expensive.
Only rich people could buy it and only they could smell and feel 8_______ flavor. In the early 1800s, a doctor in England
invited a new chocolate recipe. He added milk instead of water to the mixture of sugar and cacao. Children started drinking
hot chocolate and they enjoyed it with 9_______ parents at the table., and it became even more popular. The next step
in the transformation of the cacao bean happened in Holland. In 1928, Conrad van Houten made cocoa butter and cocoa
power from the beans. This was the start of solid chocolate. With this new method, a company called Fry´s of England
made the first chocolate bar in 1847. Then in 1876, the Swiss company Nestlé added milk to the recipe and made the first
milk chocolate bar. At first, chocolate bars 10_______ very expensive, but then, in 1894, Hershey´s made the first cheap
chocolate bar. Other chocolate companies 11_______ the same and soon ordinary people were buying chocolate in stores
all over the world.


Respuesta dada por: elham2gf222


The Aztecs made a special drink from cacao beans. They mixed cacao with vanilla, black pepper and honey. Then they

poured the drink from height so it 1__made____ foam. The drink wasn´t very sweet, and the Aztecs called it Cacahuatl or “bitter

water”. Only the king and nobles drank Cacahuatl. Some people say that the Aztec king Moctezuma II drank 50 cups of

Cacahuatl a day. When Hernan Cortes came to Mexico with 2___his___ collaborators, Moctezuma 3__gave____ him a Golden

cup full of this precious drink. Hernan Cortes took three chests of cacao beans back to Spain with him in 1528. At first,

nobody liked the strange drink. Someone added hot water and sugar to the cacao beans and, 4__did_____ this drink become

popular? Of course, this drink 5__became _____ popular. The Spaniards tried 6_to keep_______ the recipe secret, but slowly it spread

across Europe. By the 1700s, there 7___were____ chocolate shops in many European cities. Chocolate was very expensive.

Only rich people could buy it and only they could smell and feel 8__it's_____ flavor. In the early 1800s, a doctor in England

invited a new chocolate recipe. He added milk instead of water to the mixture of sugar and cacao. Children started drinking

hot chocolate and they enjoyed it with 9___their ____ parents at the table., and it became even more popular. The next step

in the transformation of the cacao bean happened in Holland. In 1928, Conrad van Houten made cocoa butter and cocoa

power from the beans. This was the start of solid chocolate. With this new method, a company called Fry´s of England

made the first chocolate bar in 1847. Then in 1876, the Swiss company Nestlé added milk to the recipe and made the first

milk chocolate bar. At first, chocolate bars 10___were____ very expensive, but then, in 1894, Hershey´s made the first cheap

chocolate bar. Other chocolate companies 11___did____ the same and soon ordinary people were buying chocolate in stores

all over the world.



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