• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: micaelacam18
  • hace 8 años

Have you heard of any peculiar type of “justice” mechanism or institution from the past?


Respuesta dada por: mzeballos



Yes there was a crissis that was descrimination against the color people because they thought that they were like slaves and didn't like desrve nothing but they were wrong because descrimination is still existing if you saw the news about the police officer that killed a men of color only because he was negro so? that's descrimination and in the past it was against the rules like the negro people be in the same bathrooms of the white people or restaurants and more places but that is wrong because of that they felt apart and then one person declare justice to the negro people or color people because they are people, humans llike us and they deserve better because in past years we can see that there is a lot of color people that were very famous because of their achievemts like for example Katherine Johnson she was a math worker in NASA and she proved that she was actually better than anyone in math and Obama wow we can't forget that president he was one of the best presidents.

Espero que te sirva(I hope It will be sucessful)

Respuesta dada por: karen200717


Yes there was a crissis that was descrimination against the color people because they thought that they were like slaves and didn't like desrve nothing but they were wrong because descrimination is still existing if you saw the news about the police officer that killed a men of color only because he was negro so? that's descrimination and in the past it was against the rules like the negro people be in the same bathrooms of the white people or restaurants and more places but that is wrong because of that they felt apart and then one person declare justice to the negro people or color people because they are people, humans llike us and they deserve better because in past years we can see that there is a lot of color people that were very famous because of their achievemts like for example Katherine Johnson she was a math worker in NASA and she proved that she was actually better than anyone in math and Obama wow we can't forget that president he was one of the best presidents.


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