• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: luchobarragan10
  • hace 7 años

me ayudan por favor
1. Write 10 sentences using the possesive ( my, your, his, her, our, their )
2. Write or S infront eachsentence and translate into spanish:
A. Camilo homework is excelient.
B. My grandmother garden is Green
C. Santiago wedding is beautiful
D. Horse head is oval
E. Students Andres N.E.E. school are intelligent and pretty
3. Write 5 sentences using genitive saxon about your family


Respuesta dada por: a3120089dannapead


1.-The kids are yours and mine.

2.-The house is theirs and its paint is flaking.

3.-The money was really theirs for the taking.

4.-We shall finally have what is rightfully ours.

5.-Their mother gets along well with yours.

6.-What's mine is yours, my friend.

7.-The dog is mine.

8.-The cat is yours.


solo me se 8 son dos que tu puedes hcer

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