No.1: Llena los espacios con adjetivos del reporte anterior (creo que es ese que respondi hace 10 minutos UwU)
-Not natural (No naturales): Sugar...?
-Can cause harm or pain: Fat, chemicals and artificial substances
-Tastes good: Cows and fast food
No. 2: Combina las frases con los conectores:
-Kids can eat fast food, but only in moderation.
-Fast food is high on sugar, salt and saturated fat.
-Fast food is delicious, but it is'nt always good for your health.
-You don't have to cook and there are no dishes to wash
-Recycling is neccesary, however some fast food restaurants don't recycle their trash
No.3: Lee y responde las siguientes preguntas:
-Who is the report for?(Para quien esta orientado el reporte) R/= Mostly children but is oriented for adults too.(Mas que todo para niños pero tambien para adultos)
-What is the general idea of the report?
(Cual es la idea principal del reporte)
R/= Make people aware of the dangers the fast food has.
(Hacer que la gente sepa los peligros que trae la comida rapida)