• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Cool635
  • hace 7 años

Oraciones con he was


Respuesta dada por: angelnlt60231


5 oraciones


  • He was running to the store
  • He was watching TV in the living room
  • He was eating chocolate with his family
  • He was going to travel to Europe
  • He was angry with her sister
Respuesta dada por: Liseth1313


He was a student. (Él era un estudiante).

He was a businessman. (Él era un hombre de negocios).

He was a lawyer. (Él era un abogado).

He was in Europe. (Él estaba en Europa).

He was tired last night. (Él estaba cansado anoche)

He was in the same class as Peter last year. (Él estaba en la misma clase que Peter el año pasado)

He was in his office. (Él estaba en su oficina).

He was sad. (Él estaba triste)

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