• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: patripeque29
  • hace 7 años

4 Rewrite the sentences with the correct relative
Where’s the book? It was in my bag.
Where’s the book which was in my bag?
1 Have you met the girl? She’s joined the school.
2 That’s the café. Zac left his phone there.
3 That’s Mrs Mills. Her husband teaches us art.
4 Kidnapping is a crime. It doesn’t often happen.
5 I’ve got an aunt. She was once on a jury.


Respuesta dada por: Trudi


1. Have you met the girl that  joined the school?

2. That’s the café where Zac left his phone

3. That’s Mrs Mills her husband teaches us art

4. Kidnapping is a crime why it doesn’t often happen.

5. I’ve got an aunt that was once on a jury

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