• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: alejandracastroriva
  • hace 8 años

1. My brother knows how to fly an airplane. He _____ is a pilot.
a. Is
c. Am

2. Is he at work? No, he _____
A. Isn’t
B. Not
C. Is

3. Are you hungry? Yes, I _____
A. Are
B. Am
C. Is

4. I like my cousin, but he _____ always late.
A. Are
B. Is
C. Aren’t

5. I ____ from Santiago, Chile
A. Am
B. Is
C. Are

6. Are they here? No, they _____
A. Are
B. Isn’t
C. Aren’t

7. Are we on time? What time _____ it now?
A. Am
B. Are
C. Is

8. How old are you? I _____ twenty four years old.
A. Are
B. Is
C. Am

9. My friend and I ____ both students at the same school.
A. Is
B. Are
C. Am

10. Oh, no! _____ I late for the final history exam?
A. Am
B. Are
C. Is

11. He is from Italy, she is from Spain, and they _____ from Japan.
A. Aren’t
B. Are
C. Is

12. Hello. It _____ nice to meet you
A. Is
B. Am
C. Are

13. How old ____ you? I _____ thirty years old.
A. Am/ is
B. Are/ are
C. Are/ am

14. There _____ many people in my English class.
A. Are
B. Am
C. Is

porfavor me alludan es para dentro de una hora

martaulloa2007: 14.- are
martaulloa2007: de nada
alejandracastroriva: oki
alejandracastroriva: gracias
martaulloa2007: es que me pone hay dos usuarios que tratan de responder a esta pregunta
alejandracastroriva: a berdad
martaulloa2007: ¡ a ver si puedes ayudar a alguien más!
martaulloa2007: y por eso no la he podido responder
martaulloa2007: bueno de nada
alejandracastroriva: oki


Respuesta dada por: JACC4851X


1: C. Am

2: A: Isn't

3: B: Am

4: B: Is

5: A: Am

6: C: Aren't

7: C: Is

8: C: Am

9: B: Are

10: A: Am

11: A: Aren't

12: A: Is

13: C: Are - am

14: A: Are

Respuesta dada por: gabserlab

Se completan las oraciones en presente simple con el verbo to be con las opciones correctas:

1. My brother knows how to fly an airplane. He a. is a pilot.

2. Is he at work? No, he a. isn’t.

3. Are you hungry? Yes, I b. am.

4. I like my cousin, but he b. is always late.

5. I a. am from Santiago, Chile.

6. Are they here? No, they c. aren’t.

7. Are we on time? What time c. is it now?

8. How old are you? I c. am twenty four years old.

9. My friend and I b. are both students at the same school.

10. Oh, no! a. Am I late for the final history exam?

11. He is from Italy, she is from Spain, and they b. are from Japan.

12. Hello. It a. is nice to meet you.

13. How old c. are you? I am thirty years old.

14. There a. are many people in my English class.

¿Cuándo se usa el presente simple?

Cuando se hace referencia a las acciones que se hacen de forma constante en el presente. Para formar oraciones afirmativas con el verbo to be debemos seguir la siguiente estructura:

Sujeto + verbo to be (am / is / are) + complemento.

En este caso las palabras is / are significan es / son en español. Su uso dependerá del pronombre que se esté utilizando, por lo cual debemos identificar si el pronombre es singular o plural, de la siguiente manera:

  • Usamos “is” cuando empezamos las oraciones con los pronombres I, He, She o It. (Singular).
  • Usamos “are” cuando empezamos las oraciones con los pronombres You, They o We. (Plural).

Para ver más oraciones en presente simple en inglés consulta aquí brainly.lat/tarea/243548


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