• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: saraibernabe
  • hace 7 años

ayudenme por favor es para hoy !!
dialogo en un restaurante en ingles


Respuesta dada por: chanpechamalia45


(Waiter) Can I take your order, Sir and Madam? (Camarero: ¿Les puedo tomar nota, señores?) (Madam) I'll have the tomato soup to start and the grilled fish. ... (Waiter) Would you like to see the drink menu? (¿Les gustaría ver el menú de bebidas?)

Respuesta dada por: santiagoibanez192


Server: Are you ready to order? or do you need some more time?

Customer:I'm ready thanks.I think i'll start with the potato soup.

Then i'll have the roast chicken.What does come with?

Server:It comes with a salad.And there's also a choice of vegetables.Tonight we have carrots or grilled tomatoes.

Customer:I'd like the carrotas, please.

Or, on second thought, maybe i'll have the tomatoes.

Server:Certainly.And anything to drink?

Customer: I'd like sparkling water please, no ice.

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