• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: mohammedbelha5
  • hace 8 años

7. copy and complete the sentences with correct form of have to.

1. while he’s training, michael phelps’ diet …………. include huge amounts of food

2. how many eggs …………… michael ……….. eat every day?

3. runners ………….. have more than three meals a day to get enough energy

4. you ………. ( not ) drink coffee every day.

5………… athletes ……… get a lot of protein from their diet?

6 .I ………. ( not ) do sport at school every day.


Respuesta dada por: karollbohorquez706jm

Respuesta:solo tienes que poner have  to en las lineas

Explicación:espero que te sirva y por fa dame mejor respuesta

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