• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: sil1980
  • hace 7 años

3. Responde estas preguntas, empleando en la forma corta del verbo

1. Are you at school now? No, ………. …………

2. Is your mother a teacher? ………, ………… …………

3. Is your father 50 years old? ………, ………… …………

4. Are you a boy from Argentina? ……… ………… …………

5. Is your school modern? ………, ………… …………

6. Have you got a red bike? ………, ………… …………

7. Have you got a pet? ………, ………… …………

8. Has your mother got a sister? ………, ………… …………

9. Have you got a big family? ………, ………… …………

10. Has your father got a skateboard? ………, …… ………


Respuesta dada por: fernado7morales7


1. Are you at school now? No, I'm not

2. Is your mother a teacher? Yes,  she is

3. Is your father 50 years old? No, he isn't

4. Are you a boy from Argentina? yes, I am

5. Is your school modern?  .........,  ......... Esta quiero que la resuelvas tu. esta muy facil :3

6. Have you got a red bike? yes , I have

7.Have you got a pet? no,  i haven't

8. Has your mother got a sister? Yes, she has

9. Have you got a big family? No, i haven't

10. Has your father got a skateboard? Yes, he has

Espero te sea de ayuda

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