• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: paradaleon12
  • hace 8 años

hola buenas tardes necesito que me ayuden con esta tarea TRADUCIR LA SIGUIENTE LECTURAi Nací en enero, así que hacía mucho frío afuera. mi madre dice que en realidad estaba nevando, y justo después de que yo naciera, había Robin Redbreast afuera en la ventana. así es como obtuve mi nombre -robin y sucedió algo gracioso cuando mi madre estaba dando a luz. mi papá estaba con mi mamá en el hospital. mi mamá dice que fue un parto fácil y que no hubo mucho dolor. De hecho, estuvo bien durante todo el proceso, pero mi papá se desmayó. así que cuando finalmente nací, mi papá no estaba allí. se estaba recuperando de la conmoción en otra cama de hospital

paradaleon12: poco apoco
paradaleon12: puede ser asi
camyvega700: i was born in january, so it was really cold outside. my mom says it was actually snowing, and right after i was born, there was robin redbreast outside the window. that's how i got my name-robin and a funny thing happened when my mom was giving birth. my dad was with my mom in the hospital. my mom says it was an easy birth and there wasn't much pain. In fact,
paradaleon12: ya ahora si gracias
camyvega700: it was fine throughout, but my dad passed out. so when i was finally born, my dad wasn't there. he was recovering from the shock in another hospital bed
camyvega700: eso es
paradaleon12: eso es todo
paradaleon12: gracias
camyvega700: de nada
paradaleon12: gracias..


Respuesta dada por: 7JeyDarky30

Respuesta:mira ya la traduci


I was born in January, so it was very cold outside. My mother says it was actually snowing, and right after I was born, there was Robin Redbreast outside at the window. This is how I got my name -robin and something funny happened when my mother was giving birth. my dad was with my mom in the hospital. My mom says it was an easy delivery and there was not much pain. In fact, it was fine throughout the process, but my dad passed out. so when I was finally born my dad was not there. he was recovering from the shock in another hospital bed

Respuesta dada por: katherinramirez623


I was born in January, so it was very cold outside. My mother says it was actually snowing, and right after I was born, there was Robin Redbreast outside at the window. this is how i got my name -robin and something funny happened when my mother was giving birth. my dad was with my mom in the hospital. My mom says it was an easy delivery and there was not much pain. In fact, it was fine throughout the process, but my dad passed out. so when I was finally born my dad was not there. he was recovering from the shock in another hospital bed


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