The cow is the governor of the farm. She says the roles to
Follow in the farm. Some rules are silly and cruel. The chicken, pig
and duck are afraid of the cow's rules. Today, the house says
that he wants to be new governor. The rabbit announces his
candidacy too. They offer new rules and equal treats. All the
animals are happy to choose a new governor in the farm.
La vaca es el gobernador de la granja. Ella dice los roles para
Sigue en la granja. Algunas reglas son tontas y crueles. El pollo cerdo
y el pato tienen miedo de las reglas de la vaca. Hoy la casa dice
que quiere ser nuevo gobernador. El conejo anuncia su
candidatura también. Ofrecen nuevas reglas y premios igualitarios. Todos
los animales están felices de elegir un nuevo gobernador en la granja.
The cow is the governor of the farm. She says the roles to
Follow in the farm. Some rules are silly and cruel. The chicken, pig
and duck are afraid of the cow's rules. Today, the house says
that he wants to be new governor. The rabbit announces his
candidacy too. They offer new rules and equal treats. All the
animals are happy to choose a new governor in the farm..
The cow is the governor of the farm. She says the roles to
Follow in the farm. Some rules are silly and cruel. The chicken, pig
and duck are afraid of the cow's rules. Today, the house says
that he wants to be new governor. The rabbit announces his
candidacy too. They offer new rules and equal treats. All the
animals are happy to choose a new governor in the farm..