• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: candelacaliva1807111
  • hace 7 años

Necesito una historia o cuento en ingles del clima o de algun desastre natural EN INGLÉS xfisssss

egoglzax: como es larga o corta?
candelacaliva1807111: mas de 100 palabras nada mas
candelacaliva1807111: pero tiene que ser de algun desatre natural o sobre el clima
candelacaliva1807111: desastre*


Respuesta dada por: jesuslaureano2403


The warming of our planet does not allow for discussion or skepticism: the atmosphere and the ocean have warmed, the volumes of ice and snow have decreased, greenhouse gases have increased and the sea level has risen. Since the 1950s, many of the observed changes have been unprecedented in recent centuries.

In fact, according to data collected by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), “each of the past three decades has been successively warmer on Earth's surface than any previous decade since 1850. In the northern hemisphere, the period 1983-2012 is likely to have been the warmest in the last 1400 years. ” Source Climate Change 2013. Physical basis (IPCC)

And not only has the temperature increased on our planet, other elements have also been and will be affected. Ice and snow levels have declined almost everywhere in the world, the rate of sea level rise between 1901 and 2010 has been above the average of the previous two millennia, the ocean temperature has increased by 0.11ºC per decade and, in the last 800,000 years, the concentrations of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide in the atmosphere have increased to unprecedented levels, affecting the soil, the air we breathe and the oceans, which by absorbing carbon dioxide have become acidic .

Respuesta dada por: fernandezmicaela903


There was once a small nomo who lived in a forest where it was very cold, because they were in winter, he wanted to feel some heat and of course he decided to go to a small place called Factis where it is said that the climate is warm and pleasant and as if not summer was the only thing that had disadvantage that place was that sometimes you could feel a temperate climate but it was worth it. On the trip to his destination, he found many friends with the same dream of reaching Factis, all forged friendship and once they arrived there they were best friends living in his dream.

Explicación: español:

Había una vez un pequeño nomo que vivía en un bosque donde hacía mucho frío, porque estaban en invierno, quería sentir algo de calor y por supuesto decidió ir a un pequeño lugar llamado Factis donde se dice que el clima es calido y agradable y como si no fuera el verano lo unico que tenia de desventaja ese lugar era que a veces se podia sentir un clima templado pero valió la pena. En el viaje a su destino, se encontró con muchos amigos con el mismo sueño de llegar a Factis, todos entablaron amistad y una vez llegaron allí fueron mejores amigos viviendo en su sueño.

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