• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: emmanuelchiquil
  • hace 7 años

hay una palabra extra que no encaja en ninguno de los reactivos.
Visiting IKEA in Russia

Our (0)__a______ started in a minibus to the city of Moscow underground station. It was not raining, but it was (1)________ and there was ice on the street. In the open area behind the station we could see about 30 people waiting for a bus to the IKEA shop. This particular bus is unusual for two reasons – it is (2)________ and there is only one bus a day.

We got onto the bus and it drove over the bridge across the River Neva and out of the city. We saw the big yellow letters IKEA on a blue background from far away; they are on a sign that is higher than the trees. The same design is on the side of (3)________, a very big blue box with (4)________ all around it. We got out of the bus and walked along a special route to the entrance with a roof over it. We went into the shop through (5)________ that turned like a wheel. About ten people can walk inside one section of the wheel. IKEA shops are very popular everywhere in the world, and they are made to serve very large numbers of people.

Most places in Russia have (6)________ where you can leave your coat. On this day there were too many people, so only children could leave their coats. I had a heavy coat and they said that I should leave it in the room and carry only (7)________. If you have a child aged 3 to 6 you can leave him or her in a playroom (usually for two hours or just one hour on busy days). They give parents a piece of paper with the time of collection because some of them forget their children there! I don’t know what people with dogs do.

The first place we went was up the stairs to the café. Here everything is self-service. You take a tray and ask people to serve you food, for example traditional Swedish meatballs. If you want (8)________, tea or a fizzy drink you pay for a cup and afterwards you fill it from a machine. While you eat and drink you can study the catalogue. They say that 160 million copies of the catalogue are printed all round the world. When I lived in Spain, they delivered a copy to each (9)________. People who want to buy a lot of things can take a big yellow plastic bag to put the products in. There are also two different types of trolley. The big one has (10)________ for a small child and a place to hang the big yellow bag.

a) journey

b) a big door

c) a car park

d) a room

e) a seat

f) chairs

g) coffee

h) flat

i) free

j) my sweatshirt

k) the building

l) very cold


Respuesta dada por: uwevictory


1. very cold

2. free

3. the building

4. a car park

5. a big door

6. a room

7. my sweatshirt

8. coffee

9. flat

10. a seat

Espero haberte ayudado :)

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