• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: hannerfarleymonteneg
  • hace 7 años

Subject Crazy dog
Dear WonderVet,
Please help! I can't control my dog! She's one year old and
her name is Miss Woofwoof.
I don't understand it. Last week, I made lunch. The doorbell
rang and I answered it. When I came back to the table, Miss
Woofwoof had eaten my pasta! I wiped it off and I didn't tell
my parents, but she shouldn't eat at the table.
It gets worse. Yesterday, I gave her a new snack-she hadn't
seen it before. But she wasn't happy-she barked at me!
I think Miss Woofwoof is crazy. Last month, my parents
threw a blanket away because she had destroyed it. Why?
Why did she attack the bed? She was on her own in the
house all day
Please help us, WonderVet!


Respuesta dada por: kathyj


A medida que más ciudades y estados han aprobado regulaciones que hacen que sea legal para los huéspedes que aman cenar con perros, y en honor a la Semana Nacional del Perro y al comienzo del Mes Adopte un Refugio de Mascotas en octubre, estamos destacando algunos de Los restaurantes más amigables para los perros de todo el país. Si cenas con tu perro, cuéntanos cuáles son tus mejores lugares para comer con Spot.

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