• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: valentinaoliveros110
  • hace 7 años

1.Change the verb into the correct form using the progressive past tense:

1. Yesterday at 5 o'clock I ________________(eat).

2. Last night, at 10 o'clock she_____________(dance).

3. Tim (cook) while Susan _________________(watch) TV.

4. Barbara ________________(paint), and Joe __________________(sleep).

5. While you _________________(rest), I ____________________(clean) the house.

6. While we ___________________(swim), the other team ______________(run).

7. Jim _____________________(always come) late to work.

8. Dorothy _________________(always smoke) in the room.

9. Jack and Bob ________________(always fight) about something.

10. These two ________________________(constantly chat).

11. James ________________(read) and Emily _________________(listen) to music.

12. While the singer ___________________(sing), the crowd ________________(jump).

13. The teacher ________________(sleep), and the students ________________(laugh).

14He ________________ (ride) a horse last Friday at 7 pm.

15. You _________________ (dance)with Maria yesterday at 9 am.

16.We _________________ (do)homework last night at 11 pm.

17.The eagles _________________ (fly) over the car; we were scared.

18.Mark _______________ (read) a psychology book while his brother was playing the drums.

19.___________ Laura _________________ (write) the report? Yes, she was.

20.What _____________ you _____________(do) yesterday at 6 pm?

21._____________ they _________________(clean) the house? No, they weren’t.

22.They _____________________( Not listen) to music.

23.___________ she ___________________(listen) to music?

2.Order these sentences, using the progressive past tense.

24.Peter/ buying/ many/ pets/ was/ this/ in/ store´vet/

25.Copying/ were/ the/ my/ Friends/ informations/ about/ position´s major/ the/ in/ Barranquilla/

26.teacher/ not/ explaining/ the/ was/ my/ aspects/ main/ about/ most important/ rules/ the/ past/ of/.

3.Choose ten sentences of the first point and change them to negative form.

valentinaoliveros110: Ayuda porfa
valentinaoliveros110: Es una tarea importante


Respuesta dada por: daliagaar


i was eating

was dancing

was cooking- susan was watching tv.

was painting-was sleeping

were resting- was cleaning

were swimng- was running

was always coming

was always smoking

were always fighting

were constatly chating

was reading - was listening

was singing-was jumping

was sleeping-were laughing

was riding

were dancing

were doing

were flying

was reading

was laura writing

were you doing

were they cleaning

weren't listening

was she litening


peter was buying many pets in this store

My friends were coping the information about the position's major in colombia

The teacher was explaining the main aspects of the past rules


Todo es sobre el pasado continuo ESTRUCTURA AFIRMATIVA:

sujeto  + verbo to be correspondiente + verbo con ing + complemento


sujeto  + verbo to be correspondiente en NEGATIVO + verbo con ing + complemento


Verb to be + sujeto + verbo con ing + complemento

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