• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Mtapiar2008
  • hace 9 años

10 oraciones en ingles con I, you, we, they

annabean12: I eat hot dogs, you are my best friend, we are not together, they are lonely, I am hungry, you hate me?, we are at the movie theatre, they are running in class, I don't like you, you are ugly, we are at home, they love me!, I am not happy, you are eating, we are glad, they are laughing
annabean12: I love you, you hate me, we are eating, they are best friends, I loved the movie, you loved the hamburger, we are writing , they fal in love.


Respuesta dada por: Kattete7
Iam  eat hot dog
you  swimming pool
we happening
he using is police 
they looking  my house

nicatani: esta mal
Respuesta dada por: nicatani
I am happy-We are skating in the park-They are running in the classroom-We are travelling to Alaska-I have a white cat-You are my best friend-You are drinking water-They are playing football-We are watching TV
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