• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: sanzgayan
  • hace 7 años

Corrige los errores y reescribe las oraciones. Hay un error sencillo y muy obvio en cada oración sobre los contenidos básicos repasados en el curso. Para todos
1- I did read this book 2 years ago.
2- Did you bought a bike last month?
3- In 1930 there aren’t many buses in the cities.
4- My brother didn’t go to the gym everyday.
5- My birthday is on 24th may.
6- This car is not as big as the car red.
7- Ana’s father is more short than my father.
8- My friend is most intelligent in the school.
9- His sister is badder than Mary.
10- He is less richer than


Respuesta dada por: tlacsami


1. I read this book 2 years ago

2. Did you buy a bike last month?

3. In 1930 there weren't many buses in the cities

4. My brother doesn't go to the gym everyday

5. My birthday is on May 24th

6. This car isn't as big as the red car.

7. Ana's father is shorter than my father

8. My friend is the most intelligent in the school

9.  His sister is worse than Mary

10. He is less rich than...

Espero haberte ayudado :3

sanzgayan: gracias
Respuesta dada por: iamandre


Corrige los errores y reescribe las oraciones. Hay un error sencillo y muy obvio en cada oración sobre los contenidos básicos repasados en el curso. Para todos

1- I read this book 2 years ago

2- Did you buy a bike last month?

3- In 1930 there weren't many buses in the cities

4- My brother doesn't go to the gym everyday

5- My birthday is on May 24th

6- This car isn't as big as the red car.

7- Ana's father is shorter than my father

8- My friend is the most intelligent in the school

9-  His sister is worse than Mary

10- He is less rich than [...] (Esta frase no esta completa)

Espero te sirva!! :)

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