Cuáles serían tus ideas y qué evidencias específicas utilizarías para sustentar ​

Anónimo: y que?
Anónimo: rompes conmigo o no que me digas?
KeptFran: PS no me digas que me quieres
Anónimo: vamossssssssssssssssssssssssssss
mervinahuanai: irene el te quiere
KeptFran: Exacto
mervinahuanai: pero como enemigo
Anónimo: enserio
KeptFran: No eso no xd
mervinahuanai: claro


Respuesta dada por: belenclaver22

the example is a realy


fossils help us learn about life in the past there are two types of fosslis: fossil remains and fossil traces fossil remains are the actual body parts of an animal such as bones teeth of skulls fossil traces on the other hand are things like footprints dung and vomit or leaf impressions one thing all fossils have in common is that they are old very old at least 10,000 years old the oldest know fossils are 3.5 billion years old.

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