• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: valen9123
  • hace 9 años

HELP   Una historia de terror inventada en ingles con past simple y past continuos 

yami7: hola no se lo que quieras saber pero dime vale


Respuesta dada por: Vebeashmi

One day, a worried neighbour called the police because he heard horrible screams coming from the lady who lived next door. When the police arrived to her house, the lady was dead next to the toilet, where there were a thousand baby   gave birth to. They found a lot of lesbian  magazines next to the lady's bathtub and a gigantic lobster in her trash can. Apparently, she bought the lobster at a local fish market and masturbated with it and using a lighter to disturb it so it would move wildly. The lobster had eaten the shrimps before and it excreted them as a way of protection. The were born two days later.

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