• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: hellos123456789
  • hace 7 años

Simple Past Tense
Necesito ayuda porfavor



Respuesta dada por: congria77


Parte 1

Regular: talked, returned, watched, lived.... Y todo aquel verbo que acabe con "ed"

Irregular: went, saw, Sang, swam, wrote, ate.... Y todo aquel verbo en past simple el cual no acabé con "ed"

¿La parte 2 son los verbos que debes poner en la parte 1? XD

Parte 3

1- they ate Lots of delicious....

2-lost evening, he watched tv before....

3-my granny Sang in a band...

4- I visited my american...

5-she returned home by car...

6-my sister wrote Lots of...

7- my brother saw a famous actor...

Parte 4

I didn't walk the dog last night

Fred and me didn't go fishing last saturday

She didn't tidy her room yesterday afternoon

I didn't ride a scooter yesterday

They didn't read the lates harry potter book

Saludos! c:

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